Initial Visit
Attune to Wholeness,
Align with greater well-Being
Live as the Embodied Brilliance you are!
Already Scheduled?
Kindly complete the paperwork (if not already done) using the links below and bring the forms to your visit or email them in advance if preferred.
For remote sessions, you may email or mail the completed forms (address below).
My office is located at 324 West Bay Drive, Suite 101, Olympia, WA 98502
After exiting the roundabout onto West Bay Drive:
Look for the 3rd building on the right
Enter and go down stairs
Turn left at the bottom
Walk to the end of the hallway - our door will be facing you with a large salt lamp beside it
My name is listed to the right of the door
Please come in and make yourself comfortable, I will be there to greet you shortly. ​​

Life is but the expression of spirit through matter.
To make life manifest requires the Union of Spirit & Body.
D.D. Palmer (Founder or Chiropractic)